Winter 2014
Bev and Summy moved up to Medium Level over the summer and making some good progress. New saddle, new trainer, new bits, new bridle for Xmas ! He just keeps getting better and better...
Spring 2014
Started to use facebook instead of these pages over the year - but too little time to manage.
Spring 2013
Start of a new year - Bev/Sunny to try again at Ele for the regionals aiming for a better grade this year. First points collected.
Winter 2012
Winter regionals for Bev/Sunny at Merrist wood - Ele freestyle this time. Unfortunately all the fine decoration and banners/flags in the indoor school freaked poor Sunny, so not a good day. Hey ho.
Autumn 2012
Few changes to the team and Liveries. Lots of events , busy busy busy.
Summer 2012
Weather doesn't know what its up to! But Bev/Sunny off to Regionals at Oldencraig. A creditable top 10 finish, 8th out of 27 in the Ele restricted class. Well done, and a big thanks to the supporting crew.
Spring 2012
What an exciting month! Some staff changes and livery changes and the first real snow of the winter just in time for the Winter regionals. Not enough to stop Sarah/Rabbit and Inga/Epi from making the trip to Patchetts and putting in some credible performances in the Elementary classes. Well done!
Now the new season is underway, and finally Sunny and Bev are also getting out and getting noticed!
See our facebook page for more details . .
Jan 2012
Through Xmas and NewYear in T-shirts, but then some real winter temperatures just to remind us of the true season
See our new testimonials page for the thoughts of our customers. We'll try to continue to live up to the accolades!
Winter 2011
Nights are really pulling in but thankfully not too much fog or frost so far, and certainly a long way from the snow we had this time last year.
Long way to go yet though!
Autumn 2011
Well done to Sarah M and Longdean Retzina (Rabbit to her few friends!) for coming 8th out of 30 in the Summer Regionals at O.E.C
Summer 2011
So, after the hot June and July, August is proving to be damper than usual !
Still keeps the school nice and moist, and the grass green too.
The swallows are still busy, seem to have had 3 broods ths year but hope the latest bunch have time to fatten up before their long trip south for the winter
April 2011
Happy 1st Anniversary !
So, a year open and a complete set of seasons under our belt.
Lots done in the year. and lots to come.
Competition season ramping up, with most of our liveries off and about to all the nearby venues. Bit of Dressage here, bit of cross country there, and a sprinkling of SJ for good measure.
But still plenty of schooling and training to get preprared, not forgetting to have some fun from time to time as the nearby hacking trails get well used
Spring 2011
Only February, but feels like spring most days
Then suddenly back comes a frost in the early hours to try to catch you out!
All that December snow seems like a lifetime away
Autumn 2010
Cold and wet - So , the first frosts are here and rugs are getting thicker
Boys ands girls like to go out when its cold and fresh, not so keen when the rain is coming down in torrents . .
Nights are pulling in already, but the arena lights are coming into their own and the arena surface is holding up well
Regular weekend clinics still proving popular
Summer 2010
New liveries arriving every week. Grass is growing well, wish the dandelions weren't!
All the horses settling in well, getting to learn their (and our) own little quirky ways is the fun part.
Weather really kind, apart from the odd weekend downpour early on. And now a mini heatwave so all the boys and girls need is a decent flyrug when they're out
Lets hope the rest of the summer matches up!
All systems are go! 5 horses in and 3 on their way, last few remaining boxes are sure to be snapped up soon. Call Bev to get a real sense for what we offer and see if you'd like to join us. . .
March 2010 - Work in Progress
Finishing touches to school
Tackroom upgrade
Lunge area sorted
February 2010
fencing completed
school foundations in
old fencing removed and new fencing erected